Last week we had another meeting of the Lekprikkers. And again there was no workshop planned. Most of us are busy with several projects and next month we will jointly start making the Eureka quilt. After coffee and delicious cake the show and tell started.
Ik kon het 5e Camelot blok laten zien. De lapjes die ik maandelijks toegestuurd krijg van Quilt it en Dottie zijn altijd ruim voldoende om het blok te kunnen maken. Van de restjes heb ik nu ook de hoekjes voor alle Camelot blokken geknipt.
I showed the 5th block of the Camelot quilt. The patches which I monthly receive from Quilt it and Dottie, are always more than enough to make the block. From the leftovers I have cut the corners for all the Camelot blocks now.
En van de stukjes die te klein waren voor de hoekjes............heb ik kleine vingerhoedjes gesneden.
And the pieces that were too small for the corners........I cut little tumblers of.
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